
BUCY Associates’ planning process is based on communication theory and cognitive psychology, specifically addressing the way people choose and process information. Our products and approach are always tailored to a client’s needs. Scenic byways, arboreta and botanic gardens, museums, parks, and other visitor destinations all have unique characteristics that must be considered in the process and the product, so we also tailor the approach to the project.

Visitor Interpretive Experience Plans
The process for developing a Visitor Interpretive Experience Plan (VIEP) uses experiences desired by target audiences as the framework for identifying interpretive opportunities that will function effectively in a specific context. The VIEP is a refinement of the Interpretive Master Plan and includes all components of those plans, however, it is organized around visitor experiences and includes additional components such as infrastructure or programmatic modifications needed to support the visitor interpretive experience.

Interpretive Master Plans
Interpretive master plans focus on the entire network of information (orientation, wayfinding, and interpretation) necessary to fully support a visitor experience at a site or in an area. The plans include the communication strategies (media) to be used, the location of each strategy, the messages and stories to be communicated, design concepts, implementation plan and everything else needed to make a smooth transition from planning to design.

Interpretive Assessments
Interpretive assessments focus on providing basic information to help inform the client about interpretive potential and the potential for achieving goals by implementing interpretive strategies. Interpretive assessments include the key messages to be communicated, strategies (media) to be considered, location of those strategies and other information to inform decisions about site development and additional planning. Assessments are a handy tool for site planners and architects so they do not inadvertently eliminate interpretive opportunities.

Orientation and Wayfinding Plans
Orientation and wayfinding plans focus on the entire network of orientation and wayfinding strategies necessary to facilitate easy access to and use of a site or area. These plans are always a part of an Interpretive Master Plan, but can be developed separately.